Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Boba Fett

Here is an oil painting I am currently working on at home during spare time. I had recently gone to Disneyland and saw an awesome Boba Fett/Jango Fett painting that I would love to have. Started thinking, well I could buy it, or I could just do one for myself. So this is test painting before I do one on the big extra piece of glass that I own. Still have a way to go, and learning to work faster. 

(Potato Quality)

Back from Chicago!

Just got back from Chicago yesterday, and I must say, definitely one of my favorite cities I have been fortunate enough to visit. One of my favorite parts about traveling is the plane ride. It gives me time to sketch and just relax and not worry about deadlines!

These two are from my last plane trip and never got to share them.

We also got to visit the Art Institute of Chicago which is one of the best museums I have ever been. So if you are ever in Chicago you should definitely go. Here are few images of some the great artwork I got to see. And hopefully I can share all the images on drive or something. 

Beach at Cabasson -Henri Edmond Cross

Still Life: Corner Of A Table - Ignace Henri Jean Fantin-Latour

I loved the way Latour renders all the different objects. In what seems like a simple still life, is actually very complex. Every object in the painting is a different material, each with their own reaction to light. They all have to obey their properties in order for the scene to be truly believable. Notice how the light hits the decanter with a much sharper highlight then the wine glass.

Also the refraction of light from the wine on the table...awesome. 

Suspension Bell (Bo)
Bronze-China-Eastern Zhou dynasty 770-256 BC

One thing that I absolutely loved was studying many of the Chinese artifacts. How ornate and intricate every detail of most objects were. There was hardly any surface that wasn't touched with patterns or sculpted.

Tripod Wine Vessel (Jia)
Bronze - China - Shand Dynasty (1700-1050 BC)

Georges Seurat
1859-1891 - Oil on Canvas

This painting was one of my favorites to see. I never realized how large it is in person. What was amazing to see was the blend of colors at a distance, but the closer you got you could see the wide range of colors Seurat used.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Endeavors - Oil - Cloudy Beach

Have not posted in a very long time. *shame shame shame. Well only way to get back on is to jump back in it. So I figure I would post my last side project. This is still currently being worked on but the oil painting itself is finished. It's based off the oncoming storm that my wife and I were watching in Boca Raton last year. I don't typically do landscape paintings but I figure you have to start somewhere.

A little info on the actual painting itself. Its oil on glass which resides in a wooden frame. Found it while throwing out the trash. Pretty sure it came from a cabinet of some sort. It would be pretty cool to have it hang from the hinges, so you would be able to rotate it. Don't know why you would but you could I suppose. I plan on painting the frame to resemble old white beach shutters. The frame style doesn't really match that, but still think it will work.