Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hey guys current update from my lunch duties! Including the texture. 
This guy is still work in progress. Below is just straight diffuse.

1024 x 1024

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hey guys, haven't updated this in a while which really should be a crime cause I have a lot of artwork to show! Currently in my free time, aka lunch time I have been working on a Blastoise model. You can follow this a little more closely or if you would like to do a character just post here:

This is a 90% done sculpt of him:

This is the low poly. It stands at 5,758 tris with 1024 maps

I will post more when as I continue to work on it.
I would love to hear any feedback you might have.

Also this was my reference sheet, with a drawing that I did in the bottom left.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Old Sketches

So while uploading my newest sketches I realized that I had some old ones that I never shared and wished that I did! So here they are.

These are old sketches of different golems I did while developing my senior thesis, Epsilon.

Junction Point

Hey everyone. Been super busy the last month. So after leaving Vigil I looked for a job and worked on my portfolio and hopefully I can update my website with the stuff I worked on. I then got a job at Disney Interactive's Junction Point! Which I absolutely love. Though right now we are crunching pretty hard, but luckily this might be the last week of it. (side note: I have been there for about month so far)

But fret not I have been sketching as much as I can to further my artistic development! And I am going to make sure that I post something at least every other day. And soon once things are back to normal I am going to do a sketch-a-day and post! So stay tuned!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Here are some more sketches that I recently found. Btw being unemployed really sucks. Too much time to think about stuff that doesn't really matter.

A sketch I did of my wifes grandfather, aka Pappa

This was a portrait study I did while in school. 

This is a scythe concept I sketched up while in the PC Darksiders contest mood

and.... Death Hippo circa 2009

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Here are a collection of sketches that I did over the last couple weeks.

These were some sticky note sketches I did while thinkin

g about the

Darksiders Polycount Challenge.

Then some random fun sketches

Saturday, March 31, 2012

THQ bringing down the warHammer!

Well, this is a bummer! I was working at Vigil Games working on the new Warhammer 40k MMO, when all the sudden me and 118 other people got the boot. It totally sucks but I will say that it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I learned so much and hopefully continue to spread that knowledge, and I enjoyed being around so many great artists.

So long Vigil.