Monday, June 23, 2014

Endeavors - Oil - Cloudy Beach

Have not posted in a very long time. *shame shame shame. Well only way to get back on is to jump back in it. So I figure I would post my last side project. This is still currently being worked on but the oil painting itself is finished. It's based off the oncoming storm that my wife and I were watching in Boca Raton last year. I don't typically do landscape paintings but I figure you have to start somewhere.

A little info on the actual painting itself. Its oil on glass which resides in a wooden frame. Found it while throwing out the trash. Pretty sure it came from a cabinet of some sort. It would be pretty cool to have it hang from the hinges, so you would be able to rotate it. Don't know why you would but you could I suppose. I plan on painting the frame to resemble old white beach shutters. The frame style doesn't really match that, but still think it will work.